Friday, February 10, 2006

Friday at the beach...

Hot diggity! We're at the ocean!!!

Davey loves the water so much, he tends to charge straight in no matter what. Last Sunday when we were here he charged into the ocean in his sneakers and ended up with wet feet. So we thought ahead this time and put him in boots. Moments after this photo was taken, he did a face plant and ended up soaked from toe to waist (mum caught him before his face hit the water). guess the boots didn't make that much difference after all...

Barefoot at the beach. What more could you ask out of life? (Actually, he's soaked and his
socks are drying...)

contemplative pose.


busy as a beaver.

Just before setting off home, we all wandered on to the beach. Davey and Andrew played "drop the stone" for about half an hour. Dad would put stones on the log for Davey and he would drop them back onto the sand. Over and over. Who knew it was so easy to keep them occupied?!