Saturday, April 24, 2010

Awesome Blossoms...and yet another walk!

Here are some pictures from yet another walk around our neighborhood. We decided to take Andrew around and show him some of our favorite spots. I believe it was Sunday afternoon. After that flurry of pictures, it's been a bit miserable this week so nothing more to post for a while...

Here's Elisabeth, ready to get walkin'!

Okay, I know I've posted a lot of pictures of blossoms lately, but they are so beautiful. And there's one tree in particular that I absolutely love. It's a weeping style, but with russet red blossoms and leaves that are green and red...its beautiful. I'm glad I took so many pictures of it. I emailed the pictures to Art's Nursery and his staff is going to try to ID it for me. Yipee!

Here's a different tree from last Sunday's walk:

Apparently Elisabeth shares my obsession with blossoms!

I think I'm going to look into dance lessons for her for next year. I think she'd like them!

Thanks Kelly for your comment on an earlier post. Here's that lilac tree again. I've wanted my own tree since I was a teenager. I think I will definitely go looking for one this spring.

David brought his nerf gun for this walk. Just in case.

I think this was right after I shot him with his own gun :)

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:52 pm

    Ohh... I love lilac trees. I think I saw them for sale at Costco in langley!
