Tuesday, May 23, 2017

May Day

Well, as is tradition, we headed to Fort Langley for the parade. Also as usual, we got there super early so we could get a parking spot and a parade watching spot.

While Andrew held our spots on the road, I watched the kids play in front of community hall. I also snapped a picture or two.

 Posing like a pirate with her posie.

 Ada played around this tree trunk for ages. Probably would have stayed longer, except I think we encouraged her to go elsewhere.

 That's alright though, David slid in and posed instead.

 And then I took more pictures of the four kids.

 And Ada called David names.

 Finally it was parade time.

 It got very hot. Luckily there were ice cream vendors.

 After a nap, lunch, sidewalk chalking, and some quiet time, we headed to Alexis' parents for dinner.

 It was a lot more work having these smalls, but boy oh boy do we miss them!