Tuesday, December 05, 2017

Oh Christmas Tree

It was finally time to get our Christmas Tree!

Our usual place has decided to stop growing/selling Christmas Trees and focus on their other efforts instead. So we went to Fernridge Christmas Trees.

 David and I mugged while we waited for Liz and Andrew to be ready to find a tree.

 OH MY GOODNESS! They have snowmen! I was already in love.

 Elisabeth always grabs the saw. Look at the purpose in her walk. That's her all over.

We marched out through the first field. There were some interesting trees, but our family has to inspect every single tree before we'll make a decision.

 We found a photo op!

 What delightful children I have!

 "What about this one, mama?"

 When we said no to the first tree, she wanted this one. A very nice tree, but perhaps a bit short for our nine foot ceilings...

 And that's where things went downhill. We absolutely couldn't agree on a tree.

I got bored and started taking pictures of other things.

 And then I insisted on a family picture before the light faded.

 The search continued. I think David and I were a bit exasperated.

Thank goodness, we finally found a winner!!

True to her word, Elisabeth cut down the tree.

 It took a bit, but we got it done!

We didn't actually decorate the tree that night, but might as well include the pictures here!