Saturday, October 06, 2018

Then we went again...

Rob and his family came to town, and Hazelmere was having their fall festival. Soooo

We went back to the pumpkin patch! This time they had face painting.

The girls decided they would all get the same pattern.


Then we held the babies. Look how much they grew in one week!

Awwww they're soooo cute!

And this time there was no pooping!

Then we found the tractors!

And David found the food (foot long hot dogs anyone?!)

The animals in the petting zoo are so patient. Our favourite was the little guy who decided to get right in the feeding trough. I guess when you're the smallest, you've gotta do what you've gotta do!

We rode the fire truck!

And we climbed a tree!

 Camille needed a nap, so after another quick photo op, it was time to go!