Monday, October 23, 2023

Scarecrow Crawl at Arts Nursery

Surprise, surprise! Elisabeth asked me this weekend if/when we were going to visit a pumpkin patch this year. To be honest, the thought hadn't really occurred to me. You know I'm operating at less than optimum brain power when I forget about seasonal activities!

Pumpkin patches have become quite expensive, so I knew we weren't going to do a traditional pumpkin patch, but I thought we could probably go wander around a local nursery and get some of the experience. 

Arts Nursery in Port Kells does an awesome Scarecrow Crawl, we've been visiting for years. It gets really busy but we decided to chance it.

The boys were very obliging about posing as Barbies.

Imagine my delight when I realized the kids had unwittingly coordinated! I insisted on photos, immediately!

And then we wandered around looking at the scarecrow displays. Here are a few of my favourites:

Arts Nursery does some amazing things. Their social media is fantastic and I learn a lot from watching their educational reels. But one of my favourite things they do is this Pumpkin Tree. Here's a little story about how it came to be.

There was live music so we listened and took some more pictures.

And just as we were trying to selfie a family picture, a lovely man asked if he could take our picture.

Great idea to go Liz! I'm glad we didn't miss out on this seasonal fun!

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