Saturday, February 06, 2010

First bonfire of 2010!

I spent the morning at the PPAC Cloverdale photoshoot. I blogged about it here.

Andy and the kids picked me up at noon, and we headed home to eat lunch and then head east to Chilliwack for a bonfire. I wanted a picture of Elisabeth while she was still clean:

And David wanted a picture of the forts he made at school...for Natasha:

We finally arrived at the farm and headed outside. First stop, the pool.

I think the boys were planning their summer.
Elisabeth and Daddy sharing a kiss under the umbrella.
Tee hee.
Riley is a creature magnet.
Then again, these chickens (and roosters!) were really friendly!

Elisabeth was still a little leery of the chickens, so for the first part of the afternoon she stuck pretty close to daddy.

Have you ever heard of flying chickens? I hadn't. This little guy not only got on the roof of the barn, later he flew across the entire yard. Yowsers!

Riley with more chickens.

I think he was saying "don't take my picture," here. heh oops :)

After a while of playing, the kids discovered a boat. Best toy ever! They had a blast playing all kinds of water-y games on here. Pirates, ship wreck, cruisin'...

Don't fall overboard!!

Day dreaming about spending her summer on a boat on the lake?

Scheming ways to take over the ship from the boys?