Tuesday, September 05, 2017

And also back to school

Man I hate back to school time. I used to love it. I love school supplies and school and seeing my new friends and all of that wonderful stuff. But now it means no more adventure with my kids. And fall is so busy now. uGh. I really need to get over it because it's not sooooo bad.

Anyway, here are my pictures from the first day of school.

David really loves his shark back pack.

Elisabeth with her back to school hair and her mail order backpack (which I realize you can't see in this picture, but she did a lot of research before choosing this one. And then she paid for it herself. So proud).

My two chipmunks.

Poor shrimpy Lizzie. She hasn't grown much in the last twelve months. David on the other hand is sprouting like mad. She feels a bit left out, what with the teenagers also being giants. So of course, Mean Mama likes to tease.

Here are all my children.

And David and Elisabeth off to their first day - Lizzie's first day of middle school!!