Sunday, August 09, 2009

Today we ran a lot of errands, but at the back of my (and Elisabeth's) minds the whole day was that we would get back to the forest to pick some more of those blackberries. So after dinner we grabbed Ellie and some buckets and set off. After about a 30 second rainshower, the sun was back with full force and the light was amazing. So pretty!

The kids were totally in to picking too. Which was a bonus. Even if David insisted that he was going to eat all the blackberries he ate. "I'll save them in my stomach," he declared.

Even Ellie was on the hunt for berries.

See? Head tilt. Cute ;)

And uh, evidence that David was only interested in eating his berries.

Wonder why there's always so many pics of Tink and hardly any of David? Well it's not just because she's so cute (and willing to pose).
It's because this is about the best I can do with pictures of David.

Very nice evening.


Carolyn Marie said...

"I'll save them in my stomach"...