Friday, May 17, 2019

May Long Weekend Festivities

One lovely Thursday in May, I drove to Horseshoe Bay after work. It was lovely.

No idea what these flowers are, but they were lovely.

 After wandering around for a while, I got myself a VIP pass. Oh wait, it says visitor. Anyway...

I wandered up to the arrivals lounge and who should be there, but these adorable little critters!

They left their dad and led the way out.

We took a few shots by the tourist traps outside the terminal.

On Friday, the kids came to work with me until I could get a sitter. ha ha

After school, the big kids coloured.

The smaller ones played in the school playground.

Ruben made friends.

It was a warm day, so we headed to Ralph's for ice cream.

Dinner, baths and thus ended the first day.