Friday, July 19, 2019

Tree Trimmin'

Oh man we did so much yard work this summer. We had part of a tree break and fall on our backyard. Amazing how much of the yard it took up. Denis came over and he and Andrew hacked it up and cleared it from the yard. In the meantime, we did a bunch of yard clearing. At the time of this writing, the yard is a mess again. I don't know how I keep the house AND the yard both organized at the same time. Time to downsize?

Anyway, the neighbors magnolia tree was taking over our driveway, making it hard to park and get in and out of our cars. I'd had enough so me and Liz attacked the tree.

Wowzers was there a lot to cut off.

Then we had Denis use his pole saw to trim off even more. Hard to believe that tree was only about 12 feet tall when we moved in here in 98. Still, annoying as it is, blocking the light from my flowers, and dropping pods, petals and leaves all over our driveway and cars, I love that week of blooms we get each spring.



Good job, I would've cut it down all the way. There should be a set back law! No tree within 15 feet of the property line!