Sunday, August 21, 2005

Spammers have a special place in hell...

You may notice that in order to post comments on this blog you have to jump through a few hoops. Hopefully that's going to prevent spammers from using my site as their personal advertising medium. If not, I'm going to remove the ability to post comments.

I don't really want to do that, since I've met so many nice people through the comments on this site, but spammers make me want to swear. If worse comes to worse, I'm going to have to stop being so lazy and build my site like I intended all along. We'll see.


derek salmon said...

i hate it too! i was so annoyed to find spammy comments on my blog and others too :( ruining a good thing.

i asked my blogfather about it, and he said google doesnt care. all you can do is just delete them. its sad that they have the right to do that.

kelly ens said...

i am SOOO with you on this! I have had some recently too. I just decided no more anonymous comments, and that seemed to help. anyway, great pictures recently - i can't believe he's almost ONE!!!!

ramblin'andie said...

Andrew was laughing at me for this angry posting. But on Sunday, when I wrote this, I got spammed 9 times. ERRRRRRRRRRR

I'm glad you girls agree with me on spammers.