Tuesday, May 31, 2016

April Miscellaneous

David and I both love mornings and we both love cycling. So when we can, we try to get out early on the weekends and go for a ride.

It's a bit of a throw back to when we used to go to the park with breakfast and have a picnic together.

It's also good exercise. Now that we're past the Craft Markets and graduation and everything else, hopefully we can go more often.

The kids had crazy hair day at school. I decided to go all out this year. Elisabeth got unicorn hair.

It was a little harder than Pinterest led me to believe, but eventually we got there.

David wasn't sure he wanted to participate. But when he finally did decide to, we had a late night pinterest session, then a late night Walmart run, and this is what we ended up with!

He he he.
I love school spirit days.

The kids do too.
Then we were at a friends' for dinner. And Elisabeth decided to go in character. So then Haylea joined in the fun too.

I'd been spending a lot of time in the basement working on my crafting. David decided to give me a hand...ninja style staining!