Monday, November 06, 2017

More photoshoots!

Taking advantage of all the opportunities to take pictures! I grabbed Ada and Ruben and took them for a walk in Campbell Valley Park.

I miss the days of dragging preschoolers through the park. It was just as fun as I'd remembered.

Although a little disconcerting when one child would choose to go in one direction and the other the opposite direction.

We brought birdseed thinking perhaps the birds would eat from our hands this time.

But I think those birds are so well fed, they don't really care to work for the seed.

Still we tried.

And then we found snow (or thick frost? I can't remember if it snowed so early in November)!

Ruben is just like Lizzie. He couldn't resist eating it.

Aren't they sweet? I can't choose between the pictures, especially since they're so far away.