Sunday, November 05, 2017

November was a slow month

Or at least it feels that way when I look back at my pictures. However, I know that we were in a rush of trying to get ready for all our markets.

Found this in my photos. Looks like it's from rocky point park - so probably misfiled. But it cracked me up, so...

Andrew and I won tickets on Twitter for the Lions. We headed downtown and made for Stanley Park.

It was a FREEZING cold day!

Here we are in all our Lions gear.

I get really excited at Lions games. Oy.

They were great seats, look how close we were.

Next day we headed to Ikea to meet up with Dave and Alexis. They needed someone to watch their kids while they shopped.

David wondered if he'd still fit in the egg. HE DOES.

We love all the costumey things!

Right Ruben?

I think we should have brought snacks. Note to self for next time.