Wednesday, January 31, 2018

There's not much to post on the blog these days. As I mentioned when I was blogging in December, I got really sick over Christmas. It was Christmas, so I didn't really start resting until after boxing day. 

I still haven't gone back to work yet.

It's been a bit of a roller coaster, but our insurance company says I have to go back after Family Day, so I've been trying to do brave things.

 Like this week, I took pictures.

I can't believe I spent a whole month on our couch. To be fair, unlike everyone on my social media who posted yesterday about it being Day 74 of January, I feel like it's gone by in a blur. Kind of astonishing since I haven't opened my textbook for the course I'm taking; I haven't gone anywhere (well, I did today...), I haven't done anything. Time still marches on.

I also watch a lot of HGTV. It's not (too) stressful, I can zone out and I don't really miss anything, and I feel like I'm not alone. If you look at my twitter and Instagram accounts though, you'll see that they're starting to take over my feed.

All I can say, is thank goodness for the Internet (and social media) and thank goodness Andrew got us cable this year!