Friday, April 19, 2019

Good Friday in the Park

 We have a tradition of meeting up as a friends group about once a month. For April we decided to have a picnic at Williams Park. We sort of looked into booking the shelter, but it was expensive. So we brought everything but the kitchen sink to the playground.

The children are strangely obsessed with the see saw. And then constantly try to kill each other.

There's always way too much food.

Once they'd given up on the see saw, they decided to see how far they could catapult Liz and Griff off the slide.

Not sure why all their games involve trying to put each other in the hospital?

Football in the park on Friday.

Julius and Elisabeth love tormenting each other.

Our new game is taking pictures of Andrew asleep. Though it's really too easy. It would be  harder to find pictures of him awake.