Thursday, September 01, 2005

Peek-a-boo mamma!

This summer we did the 'ol long roadtrip to Colorado. Throughout that trip Davey was a perfect little angel and (except when he had roseola) would go to sleep wonderfully (he's been doing that - and sleeping at least eight hours since he was about five months old).

Then we came home. He was still doing well. Then we went away for the weekend. Suddenly he wouldn't fall asleep on his own anymore. It was literally taking us HOURS to get him to fall asleep. We'd start at 730 and it would be ten before he'd finally be asleep. Talk about TORTURE!

Well on Sunday Andrew decided we would do the dreaded "cry it out" again. First night, over an hour. Second night, half an I took him downstairs for his nap, he took one look at his crib and started crying. "No mamma, no likey naps". *sigh* when do they make the transition from fighting to get them to sleep to fighting to wake them up???
