Thursday, December 13, 2007

On Tuesday night we were getting ready to take me to the local walk in clinic. The kids were a bit hyper and when Andrew had Tink ready she took off running...straight into the leg of one of her chairs! You can't tell very well, but she got a HUGE goose egg that immediately swelled up a horrible green and purple. It was such an angry bump we decided that we'd better take her to the clinic too.

Well, in Chilliwack the clinics are only open from 5-9 on week days and there are only two in the whole town. CRAZY. So, three hours later we finally were on our way home again. And that was a slow night at the clinic!!

Turns out Tink was fine (apart from a nice gree bruise on her forehead). I'm having an allergic reaction which turned to eczema on my eyes.


Katherine said...

you guys look so nice!!