Monday, September 04, 2017

Back in the swing of things

First, gaze upon the beauty of these lovely sunflowers.

My friend Kelli and I went for a ramble during lunch. Fort Langley is full of little treasures like this one.

But also, my boys came home. Tommy arrived looking so much older than he had just even in June.

 He had had a health scare while at home (Tommy has a heart condition that they found by accident when his dad was in the hospital and Tommy, a child at the time, was playing with the blood pressure thingie and asked for his blood pressure to be taken. A very lucky accident!)

He also showed us his new alto sax. I love when Tommy practices his music (as long as it's before I go to bed!) Also in this picture, see our lovely new blue walls in the kitchen. I love them.

Larry came home too. He's still a big ball of fun.