Sunday, September 10, 2017

When your baby brother is moving...

When your baby brother is moving, and your sister in law is 11 months pregnant (no lie!), who do you call to help you get ready to move?

 Well, in our family it's me. So Elisabeth and I said good bye to the boys (and the teenage boys who were both a little afraid to be left alone with Andrew HAH!) and made our way to the Sunshine Coast.

 It's kind of a thing to take pictures of your boarding passes. I blame the awesome names they give each sailing.

Nothing like dinner on the ferry. I had been sick for about three weeks at this point, and by now I couldn't digest food. It was brutal. Stress. I was living off tea and had just started being able to add watery oatmeal to my diet. Add that to the fact that I'd just worked two weeks straight and I was coming to a weekend at my brother's (which is fun, but we were also hoping to work hard!) and I was a little nervous about this trip.

Still, I'm always ready to mug for the camera when the opportunity arises.

 David drove us past their new home.

 Meanwhile, Andrew sent me this picture. I was missing the last outdoor movie of the year. Looks like a lot of people missed it! They got good seats!

 Ruben and I woke up early the next morning. He was raring for story time!

Look at that little face!

Dave and Alexis have the most impressive library for their children. I took pictures of some of my favorites because they're just so beautiful. Wouldn't this book make a great poster series for in a classroom?

I looked on Amazon, you can actually buy these as posters. Do you think they could be art in a grown up's room and not just a child's? Maybe my office...

 Anyhoo, we read books, we coloured, we even did a little packing.

 We played with Pingu.

And we took many selfies. Also snapchat selfies. So many that Ruben created special voices for some of the filters (facial hair = deep manly voices).

And we soaked up every moment we could in the yard around this house. I'm going to miss this place.

While David and Alexis did chores and packed boxes, I played with their kids. On this rainy day, we went to the library. WHAT A VIEW THIS LIBRARY HAS!

Meanwhile, Andrew and David were at the Cruise In in Aldergrove.

 I wasn't so sorry to miss that this year. Anyway, back in the library the two bookworms were busy reading.

 For someone who hadn't even had her first day of kindergarten yet, Ada is already an excellent reader...

 Ruben was less interested in reading, and more interested in running around. But he did sit down occasionally.

Not a big fan of sisterly kisses at the mo' though!

Watching videos of Speed Racer. 
 And then live action speed racer.

I love their hair. 

 Then, on my last morning, we went for breakfast at this amazing cafe. Again, not eating yet, although I was feeling much better (the Sunshine Coast is an amazingly soothing place to go. I find it very peaceful here).

And they had lovely sunflowers growing in the parking lot.

 What I thought was one last picture of the house.

 And one last picture of the window seat.

 And one last picture of the fireplace.

 (And one last picture of Ruben helping me clean).

And one last fire.

 One last trip out to play in the driveway and cul de sac.

 There were a lot of one lasts for me. I was really sad.

 Then it really was time for Elisabeth's last lunch with Ruben in the yellow house.

 And our last time playing in the cul de sac.

 And one last hug with my brother (he really loves my hugs).

 And just like that...
 ...we were done.