Monday, September 03, 2018

more round ups

David joined me at Langley Christian School. He comes to work in the morning with me; waits around until it's time for school to start. Sometimes he reads or plays on his phone and then off he goes. After school he comes and hangs out in the board room doing homework till it's time to go.

First day of school.

 First day of grade 12!

 David's second day of school, everyone else's first day.

 Apparently liz doesn't own shoes.

 Liz got her hair cut.

We got a concrete edging done around the island.

We went to Tsawassen Mills.

We were fabulous!

I asked them to pose for a nice picture.

 This was them making the picture nice.

And then I wanted to see the ocean.

 We stopped to take pictures at the place where we got married. Since I was too sick to move on our actual anniversary.

David and I test drove cars.

 This is the view from the side of my building towards the road.

 And Michelle and I went on a road trip!