Saturday, September 29, 2018

The first pumpkin patch of the season...Part One

David, Ruben and Ada came to town! On what coincidentally was opening day for the pumpkin patch! Of course that's how we spent our Saturday!

First stop was the tractor.

Also, they had baby ducklings and chicks.

Which we got to hold. Also, both Ada and Ruben got pooped on.

This just meant that Ruben kept lifting the birds bottoms up to see if they'd pooped some more.

Next up was the petting zoo.

Then we found another tractor to play on.

Someone is a little obsessed with driving these days. 24 months till he can get his learners.

We were at Hazelmere Pumpkin Patch. They have a fire truck there. You can pretend you're a fire fighter in the front end of the truck and the back end is a slide. Sweet!

And then I asked Elisabeth to take some pictures with my camera.

Those were all hers. She might be better than me.