katt came down to our suite this afternoon and said, 'davey wants to come over'.
'excellent!' we replied, 'here's his bag.'
not that we wanted to get rid of him, but since he wanted to leave us....
it was the second time today that i had freedom and didn't know what to do with it. el went down for her morning nap without a hitch. in her bassinet even. i tried to lure davey outside to play, but he decided he'd rather watch tv with dad.
'fine,' i said. 'i'm going out without you.' only the dilemna was, where to go?? halfway there i decided to get groceries. only someone who has been a mother knows how incredibly weird it is to go grocery shopping alone when you're used to having babies with you all the time. i felt like i was in a cloud the whole time, and not necessarily in a good way.
anyway, so this afternoon davey headed off for a play date with jadey and tink looked like she was ready for another nap. this left me and andrew at a loss for what to do.
so...since we didn't learn our lesson last thursday (when we nearly got blown into the ocean), we decided to head to crescent beach. sleeping ellie in tow....we took turns, one of us holding tink (by now awake and not really appreciating the cold so much) and the other snapping pictures. this is one of mine.
the sun was just so pretty on everything. the colours amazing...
i loved this tree, but andrew got a better picture (scroll down for his version.)
it was about here that i realised my fingers were numb with cold. 'quick hon, let's get a shot of us, then i want to hold the warm baby.'
hmn, maybe i'll just grab a couple a pictures of her since she's so cute...
this is her making a davey face, though she's managing to put her own spin on it. but those of you who know davey might recognise something daveyish about the eyes...oh and now andrew is being so tender with tink, i just have to get a picture of that before i hand over the camera (maybe i wasn't so good at sharing after all...)
oh! here we go. andrew's picture. click on it for a bigger version and see how he captured the shadows the grass was casting.
and this is his version of the apple tree picture. this is what i meant to do.
andrew takes really good pictures. i think it's because he's more patient than me. in fact, i even get impatient with his patience. poor guy. here's some more pictures of tink looking cute. this is in the car while we warm up.
the view from our car window while i quick made sure elisabeth was 'fed up' before driving to katt and cody's house.
hey, we went trick or treating and this is what we got!and now davey's napping, andrew's barbequing, so mumma is taking more pictures of tink.
Monday, October 30, 2006
what a difference a few days makes...
Posted by
8:35 pm
remember last thursday? if you don't, that's the day the big storm blew through the lower mainland. when we woke up it looked so wonderfully stormy outside we decided to through clothes on and charge off to the beach.BAAAAAAAD idea.
we all piled out of the car, made it about ten steps and ran back to the warmth of our vehicle. holy smokes was it ever cold and windy!
so all pictures of us were taken from inside the car.
i (andrea) did step outside one last time...to snap these pictures of how far the tide was up. not many dogs frolicking in the dog beach that day!
Posted by
8:26 pm
Friday, October 27, 2006
Elisabeth is very cute....oh and I think there's a picture of davey too....
Yesterday we showed you how much Tink likes her play mat. Now that she's mastered grabbing all the toys, flipping herself onto her sides and turning in ciricles on the mat, we thought we'd let her play in the exersaucer.
Actually, this was probably her fourth time in it, but up till now she's basically leaned against the side (she can hold her head up great, but wasn't so good at holding her body upright), so we'd get her right back out again. Today she managed about ten or fifteen minutes playing in the exersaucer and boy did she love it!Next week: A girl and her Jumperoo
Oh, and Davey and Daddy are still working on perfecting that front door (that's right folks tomorrow will be day FIVE). Here's davey taking a break from working to see what Joe's up to on Blue's Clues.
Posted by
8:30 pm
Thursday, October 26, 2006
What We've Been Up to Lately...
Wow, I can't believe it's been so long since my last posting... I guess we've been busy.
Here's Tink in her new favorite place to play. She can grab all of the animals, pull herself over to one side, move around in a circle, and kick the animals too.This is Andrew...he's been installing a new front door at the entrance to our suite.
Here's Tink in her gym again. Only her kickboxing got a bit vigorous...as you can see she's kicked the top part right over onto the ground and is holding it down with her feet. Got a bit carried away there tink!!
And when Davey isn't assisting Daddy with the door, or charming the ladies in the hardware stores, he's driving around our patio in his car. (as noddy would say...) "parp parp".
Posted by
9:24 pm
Sunday, October 22, 2006
Friday, October 20, 2006
The first time I met my writer's group, I fell in love with Susan's son's eyes, heard about Chris' book, and asked Jane what to do with boys to keep 'em entertained. "oh they're easy," she said, "I just take mine to the river and let 'em throw rocks in the water."
Advice I obviously took to heart....We wanted to have a fire, but decided we'd make do with a picnic.
Ashlie has a Mary Tyler Moore moment.This is where we'd be roasting marshmallows right now if mum and dad had their act together....
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5:30 pm