Sunday, April 26, 2009

Sunday at the park with Davey and Tink

Because I don't already spend enough time there, today I decided that my family should go to TWU and take pictures. It's the lure of the cherry blossoms, I just couldn't resist!

It's pretty, no?!
Playing under the cherry trees.
And hugging after playing hide and seek among the trees.

I have a picture of me sitting on this bench 15 years ago. I'll have to dig it out and scan it. Boy oh boy. Do you know that I could potentially be twice the age of some of this year's freshmen? If they're 17...oy vey!
Tinker goes in for a hug...
Davey reciprocates with a peck on the cheek...

Which for some reason makes Tinker sad. awwww

I worked in this building as a Circulation Assistant for at least the last two years of my studies. The ACTS books were my personal pride and joy. Which is funny since I later returned as the ACTS registration assistant...

Back home and Barbie went for a climb in the tree.

Along with my suddenly fearless boy.

You see how high he is??


Amanda said...

Wow!! He sure is way up there in that tree!!!

Glad to see that it is looking more springy/summery up there with all the flowers! Pretty!

Take Care!