Sunday, August 24, 2014


 A very long time ago, one of David's friends told me about colour runs and suggested that our family would probably love them. Fast forward a few months, when I started to get excited about racing (that's another story, for another time) and I decided to look into colour runs again. We signed up for the Run or Dye event taking  place on Grouse Mountain in September. But then I found out that Color Me Rad was coming to Cloverdale, so we decided to do a test run on family 'runs' in May.

Not everyone was terribly excited at the prospect of running. But then we watched some videos and it became apparently just how much fun we would have despite all the running.

For those of you who haven't heard of colour runs, you do a 5K fun run. Which means you're not timed and there's no pressure to complete the run in a specific time. In fact, the entertainment stays until everyone leaves and it looked like a lot of people were taking extra long to get extra coloured.

At each kilometer mark along the race path, they have stations where volunteers shoot colour at the participants. AND everyone gets bags of dye (it's corn starch with colour in it) to throw at each other. My boogers were rainbow coloured for DAYS.

There was a lot of THIS going on. It was pure awesome.

Our next colour run is the Grouse Mountain one in three weeks.

 We can't wait!!