Yesterday morning we visited our favorite neighbors. It's been more than a month since we last saw them and seriously it was probably that long since the previous visit so it almost felt like we all needed to get reacquainted!
Mayah was as goofy as ever, hamming for the camera.And Seth has grown like MAD and is climbing on everything! Davey and Tink didn't take too long to remember where all the good stuff is at Tash's house and were soon helping themselves to the toy room and pretty much everything else. They also continued their habit of eating non-stop all morning and cleaned out Tash's pantry too!!
Then we headed to mum's house and I stayed just long enough to wolf down my lunch and leave my kids with Kathi. While she watched them, I tried to work on some of my writing assignments. Andrew's office is way too warm though and it really impeded my brain cells. I don't like it too warm unless I'm on the beach!!
At 4 we traded and I watched her kids while she headed to Ash's school for Parent Teacher Conference. Ashlie wanted to try on my glasses and show me how she could look like a teacher/catalog model.Of course then Jade wanted to get in on the action. Good posing from her!!
And of course we made Davey mug for the camera too!
Andrew stole away with our kids while I borrowed Kathi's van and headed out for supper with Nicole. As I was leaving Kat mentioned she'd discovered a nail in the tire. I made some wisecrack about dying on the side of the highway since I didn't even have a cell and breezed off.
Nicole and I enjoyed a delicious dinner at Sammy J's then walked to Willowbrook for some shopping (and exercise after our delicious dinner!) for the first time in years I got to go into a normal clothing store and try on clothes with a girlfriend and actually fit into the clothes. In fact, I even had to ask a sales clerk to fetch me a smaller size. How awesome was that?! And, since the trousers were on clearance, and I'm going to be working in two weekends, I bought them! weee hooo :) But then I decided we'd better walk back to Nicole's since I didn't want to be tempted to buy any more things I didn't need!!
It wasn't till I left her house that I started thinking about that nail in the tire. It's an hour drive home and with no cell...I was worried. Luckily my brother was home so I asked him what he thought. After talking to him, Andrew and my dad I decided to crash there for the night and get the tire repaired first thing this morning. That left poor Andrew having to get himself and the kids ready AND pick up his car pool partner and still make it to work on time!! He did it and I met him at the office and took off from there.
We had some good times at mum's while we waited to make sure Andrew could borrow the van to come home. Then I booted home, changed the kids into pretty clothes, and headed to a bird sanctuary to take some pics.
Elisabeth was SO excited to be where there was "Watah!" and spent most of the time throwing gravel into the lakes. I hope you're allowed to do that at a bird sanctuary!I'm not quite sure I trust her not to run into the water. She's that excited. Which is why I think I need a photography assistant. Someone to keep my kids safe while I snap millions of pictures. Would greatly improve the quality of pictures I think!
Davey on the other hand, was convinced we were going to get lost. I don't know what's with him lately. His imagination is on overdrive!
Do you think he's telling Tink about his rock skipping abilities? "this one time, I got it to jump like four, no, EIGHT times!!"
His curly hair is really starting to emphasize just how straight hers is. I hope she grows some more soon!!
[I think she looks like (well her hair looks like) gibbs from NCIS.]
This is him pouting because he doesn't want to leave. Glad he can be a happy pouter!! There was a boy scout or beaver sleep over taking place here tonight and all the boys were starting to arrive with their cool gear. I think he wanted to stay with them!
And back in our yard...
Tink's new favorite thing is digging up my flower bed.
Well...we have a hugely busy weekend planned so expect LOTS of pictures...but maybe not till Monday or so!! Enjoy the sunshine tomorrow everyone, I know we're going to :D
Friday, April 11, 2008
two days
Posted by
10:46 pm
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