We arrived at Vancouver airport shortly before 6 pm on Friday the 11th. While this seemed very early, it actually worked out quite well. Our flight was not full, so we were able to all get seats together. Then we Menaries ate supper in the food court (because by this time it was getting close to seven and we didn't want them too tired to eat!) before heading through security. Dad and the boys ate at a Milestones we didn't know existed on the other side of security.
There was a little play place right next to our gate so the kids amused themselves there while the rest of us vegged. Our flight was late loading, though I don't have a watch but I think maybe close to 1/2 hour late? Which made our 9:25 pm flight time seem even later.
As soon as we were in the air, the flight attendants moved Rob, Dad and Dave to the section behind us. They got seats in the middle section near the exit doors...with massive amounts of leg room but a flickering big screen above their heads. Then supper was served and the kids dug right in. Davey finished off quite a bit of his food but Tink took more pleasure in trying to spread all the other parts of the meal onto her roll. Broccolli, Key Lime Cheesecake and butter all mushed on to her stone hard roll. Yum?
Our first night passed pretty well. The kids were up early (davey at 3:50 am, Tink at 430) but other than that it went pretty well. After breakfast we walked down to the village to get some snacks for in our suite. Grossi and Anny's chalet is up on the hill behind Davey in this picture below. This is the local cheese store on the left - where we get my favorite, Hazlenut Yogurt. Locally made. MNNNNN
Across the road is a flower store with this table in the front yard.
The shell must have been at least two inches long.
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