Monday, June 26, 2017

End of school celebration

Holy hannah.  I realized today, when trying to plan a birthday celebration with friends, that we have plans on all but two of the weekends between now and December 2nd. And 4 markets, plus the store in Port Moody to get stuff ready for.

I'm not sure when Ill have time to blog at this rate.

Tommy and Larry wanted to visit Cultus Lake Adventure Park and Waterslides. So once they had finished their school year, we yanked the littles out of classes and headed for Chilliwack.

The Adventure Park is great. This time only the kids rode.

And Denis, Tommy and I followed them around. You can tell they were hella excited.

Larry wasn't sure if he was tall enough for the rides....

Just by a hair. Everybody liked the roller coaster.

And this spinny little coaster too.

And then these two yahoos decided to step things up a bit.

The best part was watching Larry's legs whip around.

I dont know how they managed this. But once they were done, everyone went on the Cultus version of the hellivator.

Which was pretty fun, by all accounts.

Poor Tommy, I wouldn't let him go on the rides.

The pony ride. Looked fun, right...

I went on this a few weeks later and felt ill for weeks after.

Then theres my two, who love the merry go round.

And finally, when we thought we were going to die of the heat, the kids went on the spray boats.

You do realize Im using the royal we, right

Well, we wrapped things up at the Adventure Park and headed to the waterslides.

Where I was far too lazy to follow the kids around taking pictures so thankfully you don't have many to look at.

Then the plan was to have dinner at the beach. That got sidelined big time, but I did get a couple pictures of Griff and Liz in the water first.