Saturday, February 17, 2007

Busy, busy, busy

Andrew took Thursday - Monday off work, and it has been a very busy weekend so far. But since there are still two days left in this weekend, I think I'll only write about today.

So...guess what we did today?!

We decided to get season's passes to the zoo. It's so close to our house, and Davey is free till October (and tink obviously is free for another 2.5 years) so it's worth it. Just for the free train rides!

I caught this shot while we were waiting for Andrew to finish paying. Don't you love Tinky's expression? She sure loves her big brother!

Riding the giant turtle...
WHOA! That is one big snake! Davey didn't like him much, but only because there was a big pool of water in his mouth. Funny kid!

Riding the giant pig. No comments please ;oP

Then tonight the kids wanted to play outside. Tink LOVES her new to her car!

And she loved being pushed around by her big brother even more.

We are the most photogenic couple I know.

Me and Davey in the tree house. Oh you can't see me. Ah well.