Monday, December 24, 2018

Today was an unexpected beautiful day. My family is in the habit of sleeping until 11 or later, so I was planning on baking and doing some prep for tomorrow. But when I saw the sun I knew we needed to get outside. We decided to go east and see the lights at Cultus and Harrison.

Cultus was gorgeous, as always. Elisabeth has decided she wants to live here.

 Me too.

I love the light here in winter.

 We were actually here for the Christmas lights, but the views far eclipsed anything they'd set up in
the trees.

I kept telling Andrew to do his Jack Daniels pose here. Luckily, he knew what I was talking about.

David took one look at him and went, "are you okay? Are you stuck?" Snort!

 I would have liked to do a photoshoot here. But they were so not into nice posed photos. So here's what I got.

 Sorry, that was a lot of pictures. Believe it or not, I did delete over half.

I'm sure the lights are beautiful at night time.

 We just didn't have the patience to wait that long.

We eventually abandoned the lake and headed for our other favourite lake.

Harrison is supposedly in the middle of a multi year project to become a Christmas destination. It was pretty. I wouldn't drive all the way out there just for the lights. But the restaurants were all open, so if you have other things to do...