Sunday, May 04, 2008

Minter Gardens with Poppa

So Thursday, dad's first full day in the 'wack, we tripped on out to Minter Gardens. I thought there might be some tulips still in bloom but wasn't expecting much more than was soooo pretty! And I brought home some of these little gems and a carnation plant for my own little flower bed. Nice!

The new kids' part of the garden was open. It's pretty cool. Right in the centre is this phantasmagorical tree...and around it were an assortment of tunnels and logs and even a little outhouse. The kids loved it of course!

Me 'n my girl. This was the only way to get her to stop running...and even then she didn't stay still for long. She 'likes to move it, move it!!"

Me and the boy!
Throwing rocks into a little creek. Oh yah, davey was freeeeeeeezing so I let him wear my sweater. EVERYONE we saw commented on his 'nice coat'. I thought he looked like a little monk myself...

Dad taught Tink to whop him in the face. I'm hopeful she'll forget that little trick since she packs quite the punch. Maybe it can be a little thing between her and poppa or something??

Here she is whopping him again. While Davey snoozes with his eyes open...

Another little house (I need some of these whimsical houses in my backyard.)

See? He looks like a little monk.
Or a hobbit...