Monday, July 17, 2017

Mountain views, wild animals and jazz music

Grouse Mountain did a thing this summer where they had burger night and live music on the mountain. We love jazz, and we love burgers so we decided to try it out.

The atmosphere was great.

The food was pretty good too.

The music was fantastic. It wasn't all that busy, so we probably could have lingered longer, but the kids needed to stretch their wings..

They needed to run up and down this hill.

The kids thought it was hilarious to send rocks rolling down the hill towards us. Often they'd catch other rocks and send a little landslide down. Not cool, clowns.

We finally dragged them away and went in search of bears. I should add that the black flies were brutal.

You really didn't want to be anywhere in the shade for too long.
However, I did get a good look at the bears, so that was worth a little aggro with the flies.

They were all too willing to show off for us.

Eventually we headed towards the clubhouse for some hot drinks and relief from the flies.

In the theatre, we watched a movie by John E. Marriot about the photo trips he takes - I so want to go on one! The movie we watched was Exposed, episode 2: Grizzly Bears of the Khutzeymateen. You should watch it for yourself. So good. John will be in Vancouver this week (so it's fitting that I'm finally blogging this) to do a talk and book signing. So looking forward to it!

After hanging out inside for a while, we tried to enjoy the campfire sing along. But those black flies were just brutal. Soooooo that was it for us!