Friday, February 29, 2008

The last week or so...

Actually, I don't remember when this is from. The day after my last posting. Andrew really, really wanted to go back to Harrison. Unfortunately, Elisabeth wasn't feeling too well so we had to turn around and come home almost immediately. Should've listened to my mom's inuition.

Thanks to Jane for mentioning these cool drift wood piles. We have to get back to Harrison soon so we can play with them!

What a day!
Collecting driftwood for...whatever they're building.

This is yesterday at mum's house. The first thing the kids do when they walk in the door is head straight to the freezer.

Lunch time!

And then it was off to the park.

No idea how Davey got those scratches on his face. He says he's a tiger.

Daddy's (very dirty) sweet heart.

Watching the clouds.


Anonymous said...

We're off to the park for a bit of a lark.
You Hippos are rough, enough is enough, it's time to go home for tea. I have a picture of Lavinia that looks a lot like Tinky.