Saturday, September 24, 2016

Back behind the lens

Ashlie asked me if I would take some pictures of her with my fancy camera. We hopped in my car and headed for the park where the light was just perfect!

I think it's kind of hard to be photographed by an aunt or a parent, because you feel kind of silly posing, but you don't want crazy pictures of you sticking your tongue out.

So I told her to turn some music on.

And she settled right into it.

The next evening we decided to take some more pictures. This time at Campbell Valley Park.

And things were pretty much effortless.

Jade came along too.

And I managed to get some pictures of her too.

When she wasn't twerking or showing me her duck lips, or making fun of Ashlie.

That morning Dave and Alexis left their kids with me. So I drove them straight to Old Navy for outfits and then straight to the farm for pictures of their own.

The capes were a brilliant "on the way out the door" thought.

Which happened to work really well.

Ruben mostly just wanted to climb on my lap and snuggle.

But that actually worked really well for these pictures.

Ada did great until Grosspapa stole her sucker.

An outtake of Ashlie and Jade (I'd told them to pretend I was yelling at them - they'd been goofing off too much :)

And then Kandace asked me to take a few pictures of the boys and their dog.

Honestly, Cubby was the easiest subject to photograph that evening!

But somehow, that means the pictures were so true to who they are.

Now I just need some pictures of my own kids...

Sunday, September 18, 2016

School started, and Ada and Ruben came for a visit.

David's first day of middle school.

Larry and Tommy's first day of high school.

And Elisabeth's first day of grade 5.

This happened.

And Ruben came over to play with trains.

(He really liked the trains...)

Adelaide started a music career.

Then my dad came for a visit.

And I scared him with ugly faces.

Dave and Alexis went to Ikea so Ruben and Ada hung out with us for the day.

We went to the park. Hmn. I must have camera pictures of this somewhere. But anyway, then we went to another park.

Whew. I was starting to think I forgot to bring my kids.  But there's one!

And the other!

Larry won't let Tommy eat bananas.

And then we celebrated the mid autumn festival.

Friday, September 16, 2016

Happy birthday Mayah Bethany

This is probably my favorite stretch of highway west of Agassiz and south/east of the Port Mann.

I think it has something to do with the fact that it always feels like coming home.

Plus, skies like this don't hurt either.

So anyway, the Abelmans invited us out for Mayah's birthday and you all know how we love to party! I got ready in my finest mustache.

Natasha and I have been friends for a long, long time. So funnily enough, we dressed alike for the party.

Egads! Even Elisabeth got the memo!

Okay, I can't carry the joke anymore. Obviously there was a theme. We looked pretty dashing in our matching mustaches.

My sweet boy - he had a bit of a rough morning so it took him a while to warm up to the party. Luckily he had Seth to watch over him while the rest of us partied.

The kids played a bowling game and they all won gum - it was Tommy's first time trying sour/fizzy bubble gum. His reactions were awesome!

Then it was present time!

The biggest hit of the day was this sweet One Direction frame.

BFFS since they were babies.

Then Charlie brought out a bunny.

And we had the coolest cake ever.